Sofia Jimenez » Biography


Buenos días, familia de Santa Rita! ~ Bienvenidos a la clase de español K-4. 


My name is Sofía Jiménez, and I come from the land of "Enchantment,"... Colombia!  (Location and cultural background of the movie Encanto.)  I was born in Barranquilla, a beautiful, coastal city along the Caribbean Sea.  I studied at the Colegio Eucharistico de la Merced a Catholic school run by the sisters of the order of La Merced.  I then studied interior design and architecture.  In my younger years, I was a teacher at the María Auxiliadoraschool in Barranquilla.  Eventually, I traveled to the United States in 1999 and studied English at the University of Dallas in Irving. I also began and later completed my studies in education. I have now taught for over fifteen years!  I am married and have two wonderful children. ¡Noticia de última hora!  (Important note!)  I am awaiting the arrival of my first beautiful granddaughter.  She will be born very soon!  I am very excited to be a part of the St. Rita family.