Parents » Communications


Have an announcement about an upcoming program or event that you want communicated to our constituents?  Have a summary article or thank you article about something that has already taken place?  Help us make our communication process more efficient and thorough by completing the form below to make your request.  We hope this form will help us gather all the information in one place so that it can be communicated across our various communication channels!  While we may not be able to place your announcement in all our channels, our goal is to communicate the information in an efficient and effective manner.


Deadlines for “School News This Week” , (the weekly email to all school families that goes out each Sunday at noon via Flocknote):  Wednesdays at noon (published the weeks that school is in session)



Deadline for Parish Bulletin (printed and distributed at all weekend masses)

10 days prior to the weekend you wish the communication to run with the exception of earlier deadlines around the Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, July 4th, and Easter.  Those print deadlines are much earlier; please contact [email protected] for more specifics if you wish to publish in those editions.