Technology » Tech Tips

Tech Tips

Log in to your St. Rita online materials
5th grade - 8th Grade STUDENTS may submit a request for technology help if they are experiencing difficulty with their Google login or need a technologist to fix their school Chromebook.  Be specific when describing your problem. 
Technology will email you with questions after you submit the form. Keep checking your Gmail account for those questions.

Fact Check

We often have difficulty finding out whether or not the information being “shared” with us is true or not. This article was designed to help teach this type of media literacy.

Searching the Web
When you are on a computer outside of St. Rita, Google search engine may not filter as well as when you are at school or using one of the St. Rita Chromebooks. Consider using as your search engine. It is still a Google search, but it is designed as a safe search for students. (Here are other search engines you could use as a student.)
As an older student, you may want to ensure you are using a Safe Search. Utilizing Google's "advanced search" you can make your search extremely specific. When using "advanced search" make sure Safe Search is on to filter results. 
Here are some helpful ways to keep your earbuds from tangling or getting damaged. 
Parent Information