Color Day Dress

Color Day Dress
6/4/2021, 8:00 AM 9:00 AM

Occasionally students are given a “color day” for such reasons as good behavior, winning a can drive, winning an auction prize, or at
the end of the year after the used uniform sale. On these days, students are not required to wear their school uniforms but may do
so if they so wish. On general color days, students must be neat and tidy. Students may wear blue jeans with minimal ornamentation
or other pants with a belt. Girls may wear skirts that are no more than 3 inches above the knee. Boys may wear their uniform shorts
on these days. Jewelry acceptable with the school uniform may also be worn (See “Uniforms-Jewelry and Make-Up”). Students may
also wear t-shirts promoting universities or sports teams. Students must wear uniform shoes or athletic shoes.

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