Annual Gift Campaign


Tuition revenues alone do not cover the full cost of educating our students. Therefore, the school depends on annual contributions from our school families and other supporters to our annual fund to off-set this difference. Based upon this year’s budget, the actual cost per student of a St. Rita education is $12,380. With a One Student Parishioner Rate for tuition of $9,950 for kindergarten through 8th grade, that leaves us with over $2,430 per student to bridge through fundraising. Our Annual Gift Campaign is an important piece of that fundraising and is why we encourage all of our school families to participate to whatever extent their family budget allows.Tax-deductible gifts to the annual fund are accepted year-round.

Participate by making a financial gift online of an amount that works within your family's budget and helps us bridge this gap!  If you are able to completely "Bridge your Gap", please do so, BUT GIFTS OF ANY SIZE ARE WELCOME AND APPRECIATED.  A suggested minimum donation is $375 per student.  Those contributing $2,500 or more will also be invited to the Donor Appreciation Dinner in the fall of 2025.  

Our Vanco online donation systems allows for various options for giving!  You can make a one-time gift now or set a one-time gift to fund in the future.  If you prefer, you can set up the Vanco gift for a total amount that is divided up across a set number of months to spread out the timing of your payments. No matter which option you choose, we will receive notification and mark your family's participation as either a payment now or a pledged payment that we will receive in the future!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact [email protected] and we will respond as soon as possible.  Thank you for your support! 

When donation is made or is scheduled in Vanco, our online giving platform, participation is marked for EACH child in that family in their respective grade levels. You can set up a one-time donation, schedule a donation for anytime between now and June 30, 2025 or schedule recurring donations across this academic year. ANY of these actions immediately counts as participation for your entire family.

If you plan to donate through a donor-advised fund, company giving program, check, cash, or North Texas Giving Day, please email [email protected] and let us know so that we can document your pledge and be on the lookout for your donation!  Questions?  Contact [email protected] or call Susan Lynch at 972-239-3203 x6504.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do I have to pay now to have my participation counted?

A: No. We track donations scheduled for a future date as participation NOW.  And, any amount counts as participation for each child in your family. We ask that you indicate the grade of your child(ren) when prompted during the donation process. 


Q: I have multiple children in various grade levels.  Do I need to give separately to impact the grade level participation totals? 

A: No. When a parent or guardian participates at any level, that counts as participation for the entire family.  The grade level for each child in the family receives participation with that one gift.


Q: I have already given to the church this year.  Does this count as my participation in the Annual Gift Campaign?

A: No. Your annual church tithe to the Parish Offertory is completely separate from the school’s Annual Gift Campaign.  The Annual Gift Campaign is a gift directly to the school in order to offset the difference in tuition and cost to educate.  We need 100% participation from school families in order to help keep tuition increases as low as possible for all families.  A financial gift of any size counts as participation. 


Q: Which payment methods are accepted?

A: Contributions from checking accounts, savings accounts, debit cards, and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express) are all accepted.


Q: Do donors receive receipts for their donations?

A: Yes, you will receive an immediate receipt via e-mail when a donation is made online. You will also receive an email confirmation within a week or so through Ministry Platform when an online donation, check or cash is received.  We will also mail a tax statement at the end of the calendar year that reflects all of your donations.  Please keep these receipts for your tax records.


Those contributing $2,500 or more will also be invited to the Donor Appreciation event in the fall of 2025.