Parents Club

Parents Club

Welcome to the St. Rita Parents Club! Open to all families, we encourage joining and participating in our year-round events. Under the direction of an Executive Board, dedicated volunteers from within our membership chairs and various committees organized to initiate and continue our many valuable school events, programs, and activities. This is the place to get more involved, get to know more parents, and make an impact in your children's school! If you would like to learn more about our committees and how to volunteer, please get in touch with a member of the Parents Club Executive Board. Login to your RenWeb directory for contact information or call the school office at 972-239-3203 x0. 


Parents Club Executive Board 2024-2025

President: Cathrine Dinh

President-Elect: Sophie Terzo

Vice-President: Whitney Nowlin

Treasurer: Christy Wootton (Send check requests with the form below)

Parliamentarian: Christina Palumbo

Corresponding Secretary: Stephanie Adair

Marketing/Communications: Zoe Horton

Principal: Michael Wixted  (ex-officio)