Mrs. Leanne Knight » Osmo


Why Osmo at school? 
Osmo is an accelerated learning system that uses an iPad, physical objects, and educational tools to keep kids engaged in learning and build their confidence through hands-on play. Teachers love Osmo’s versatility in the classroom and the way it fosters student learning in key areas like social- emotional, creative-thinking, STEM, and curriculum. More than 15,000 schools are using Osmo to learn and play every day.
Osmo kits are being utilized in Kindergarten, First grade, and Second grade.


Osmo apps included:

  • *Numbers: Number sense
  • *Words: can create your own word lists, or use the lists created by the teacher community (an example would be to create a "letter sounds" Words list for Kindergarten)
  • *Tangrams: exercise special and visual problem-solving skills
  • Newton-physics meets creative problem solving
  • Masterpiece-supercharge your drawing skills, interactive drawing tool
  • Coding Awbie and Code Jam: teaches logic skills and problem solving

*We will focus on these apps first with Osmo.

 Teacher Guides

Getting Started Guide

Sample Lessons


Osmo Cases work with NEW Osmo Bases



Important points to remember for teachers


Reminder-To load a new list on Words app, the app must already be logged into a school account (your teacher account). In Words app, go to library button, then dotted lined rectangle to download, download and play and album. (Please note that only the lists with check marks in the library will show for Versus and Zen.)




Bring students together naturally. Osmo’s open game play encourages interaction and collaboration, allowing for the development of social-emotional skills. Students learn by engaging, and with Osmo, teachers are able to promote open-ended interaction and learning through discovery.



Open lines of communication with Osmo. As students work together to overcome the different challenges in each app, they also learn cooperation, gain social and emotional understanding of their peers, recognize the strengths of others in the group, and foster leadership skills.



Osmo provides a platform for free form expression. By incorporating real world items into game play, students are not limited by the apps’ programming. Unlimited solutions encourage students to think outside the box and find answers as unique as the students themselves.


Critical Thinking

The different Osmo apps tap into a student’s curiosity and creativity to encourage hands-on problem solving and social skill development. Working alone or in groups, our apps provide the right amount of challenge, pushing the students to continue developing their skill sets and challenge themselves. It’s learning through play!